Sunday, 27 November 2011

Life update

Still going about my days as I always do. University is not fun nor stimulating, I could go on but I shall not. I have exams this week and did not know about them, brilliant. I'll do my best and see what happens, might just start revising once I've done the exams in preparation for the resits. Flights home have been booked, going via Liverpool to stay with Fran for a few days then we're both heading home on the 18th. I really can't wait to see everyone and have a good Christmas

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Life so far

Things seem to be going ok right now. Got my job firmly secured and I'm enjoying it, obviously not seeing as much football as I'd like to when I'm there but it gives me more structure about my life here. Umberto and Vincenzo came up to Milan to see me which was good. We're having a good time, there isn't much for them to do here especially during the evenings but we're just enjoying each others company and having fun. University is a bit of a drag, nothing hard and it's all poorly taught. The teachers are not great, they offer little will to teach and lack inspiration. The students are a joke, it feels like I'm still in secondary school and the kids run riot. They show no regard to their teachers, they talk all lesson and do no work, I don't see the logic? If you don't want to be there, just go... Nothing is stopping you, there is no register or anything of that sort to control your attendance - they're just making it harder for the people who are trying to learn/listen. Maybe it's because this is a local university, it's just an extension of school - another few years before the work (or lack of, in Italy) starts.

Either way, it's all good. Going to start looking at flights home soon - I mean, give or take 6 weeks and I reckon I'll be back in London for Christmas.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

My first day at work

It was quite a strange one... I got to work nice and early and as I went in my boss handed me my uniform which is a beer t-shirt and a little apron thing to put a pen and pad in, if needs be. So, in my new work clothes I stepped out to find me being introduced to a man by my boss and saying I was english... I said hello expecting this guy was a regular and just asked who the new guy was... It turns out this geezer wanted to rent the pub for one of the busiest nights and I was delegated the negotiation process. So, instead of actually doing my work I was trying to strike a deal with this guy throughout my shift. I'm emailing this guy tomorrow with the offer of 4,000euros for the pub for the night all in. Lets see what happens...
Instead of being a kitchen assistant I was doing anything but that... Sunday morning should be interesting, 9:30 start for the rugby world cup and there is a lot of football that day as well.

Monday, 10 October 2011

La Fontanella - Milano

My first night out in Milan lead me here. I went to meet a few friends for a drink on the famous and ever so popular Navigli. I was told to get to 'La Fontanella'... It seems a fair enough request but considering that there is probably over 150 bars on two streets and I had never been to this area at night before made my journey that little bit harder. I asked a few passing people outside other bars if they knew where this place was but it seemed that nobody could help... I made the decision to meet my friends at Piazza XXIV Maggio, and from there we went. It was only a short walk, it took no longer than five minutes and we were there.

La Fontanella is one of the first bars along the Navigli and there are bouncers on the door, very rare I thought for a pub in Milan... I hadn't seen any in any other bar or pub and considering I had walked past them all by now I a bit surprised. We walked straight up to the big man and said we would like a table for four and we were led to a small table in between everyone else who was out. As I looked around I saw all these crazy vessels of alcohol on tables and huge glasses of beer, I instantly took a shine to this place. The waiter (per se) gave us a beer menu, a tiny square of paper and a pen. You write down exactly what you want and they bring it to you, you pay at your table - very handy and straight forward... Apparently this isn't rare in Italy but it was all new to me. We chose what size drink we wanted between us and what type of beer to have and got drinking. The beer was good and the novelty was absolutely excellent! Later in the evening we were joined by more friends and we moved inside to get a nice big table as we were in eight by then. We ordered "the octopus" and as you could imagine it was a fishbowl with tentacles which acted as pumps for the alcohol so people could serve themselves simultaneously.

We polished that off and went on our way. The place was still heaving, there was a queue of people waiting to get in as we left - and rightly so! La Fontanella is a brilliant bar, the drinks are priced moderately for Milan and the atmosphere along with the novelty of the diverse drinks and the forms in which they come in really do merit the crowds they attract every week.

They also show sports and serve food which should be noted, although I haven't had anything to eat there plenty of people were ordering food so I can only presume it was ok. Albeit sandwiches and possibly burgers - but the people flock here for the whole experience (but most probably mainly for the beer, I know I did!)

I've had a few good nights out there so far so it would only be fair to give it a solid 4/5
I would honestly recommend it to anyone! 

Friday, 16 September 2011

So, I've made no progress regarding my university application - I have not really sat down and tried to sort it but I will do. My main focus right now is housing... I really feel like I need to be moving forward otherwise I'm just going to get angry with myself for doing nothing.I've seen a place that I really like and I'm just waiting on them to pull their finger out and hurry up so I can get there. In the meantime I've been looking around but nothing seems to be out there... Well, nothing that jumps out. I'm meant to be seeing two places later, one in the north east of Milan and the other south west.

Right now I'm feeling shattered because I went out last night with some people from the hostel. All aussies and two english lads who ended up knowning someone who lives at the end of my road because they went to university together! What are the odds?! Anyway, went out and had a wicked time. Went to a Calsberg bar which was a 'green' bar - all the seats were cardboard and they only served types of calsberg so that was interesting. We ended up later at piazza XXIV and it was lively. Went into a bar and carried on. We drank until the end really and then crawled out. Everyone had a good night, lots of mixing and talking between people which was real good fun but just had to walk all the way home because it was like 3 in the morning by the time we decided to stop talking to randomers and head back. It was a long walk, my feet were all cut up because of my shoes and my plasters had fallen off. Got home and we chilled for a bit, then I went to bed. I woke up surprisingly early the next day (this morning) at 9:30, part of me wishes it was midday but the sensible side was like... at least I haven't lost half the day. I did feel awful though but I powered on through and went to Agenzia Uni to set up those meetings. The second one isn't registered online...It actually belongs to a guy who works there so we'll see how that goes... Anyway, I'm going for a rest because I know I'll have a lot to do later on

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Touch Down and my first 24 hours in Milan

I arrived fine, got out the airport and straight onto a coach to central station. It took about an hour but was ok, the air con was on as it was so hot outside!! As we arrived, it was just tourists/travelling people about. Now I had to make my way to this hostel... I had what number tram I needed and what stop to get off, sounds easy enough - right? WRONG. I had to get a a train to a stop and then find the right tram stop to take me to said hostel. So, I get out at a stop and look around... I ask people for help but to no avail. I march onward in the heat, trying to move my bag around every now and then because it was getting heavy. I remembered the name of a main road nearish to the hostel, I thought why the hell not just head there and ask the knowning people of Milan where my humble abode is. So, on foot I set off... Asking people on my way if I'm haeding the right way etc. It all seemed to be going ok... Get to the main road but people had never heard of the hostel or the road it's on! I can't believe my luck... It's midday now, the sun is beaming down on me and I'm sweating and getting tired. I'd been walking for an hour and had no clue where I was. I asked a traffic policeman about the road I needed to get to and he was like... Why you asking me for? The police are useful in every country, it seems.

I'm on this road now, it's miles long... I just start to walk down it hoping to find my way. After a while I thought I'd check to see if somehow I could read my emails on my phone that I already had recieved from the hostel, hopefully it could help... It worked, I was so glad! I rang their number and explained where I was etc and I was actually going to right way. I did later on find out I went maybe the longest way possible but still, I was close...After a few wrong turns and detours I think I'm near... I mean by now I'd been on foot for two hours - I just HAD to be close. I see an old nono seated on a wall in the shade so I go over and ask him if he knows where the road I'm after is... He comes out with the line, I'm not from round here. Another helpful person on my journey. As he says that I look up and across the road is the named road of my destination. I did not care that this lazy old man couldn't be bothered to help me... I had arrived!!! I get to the Zebra and it looks just like a seedy night club upon entry... I check in fine and go to my dorm room. It seemed empty, a few people obviously there - I noted dirty clothes beside a few beds but it seemed vacant considering there is like 26 beds in this room. I was on the top floor. I put my bag down, take my socks off and head out.

I had two numbers of people to call regarding housing so I thought I'd get straight on it. They both got back to me and I was on my way. Two appointments and some time to kill. I headed back the way I walked and found a train station and went into town. I'm staying fair close to everything it seems - I like the area. I go to the university to see if I can enroll but it was lunch time by now so everything was just shut down. I spoke to a lady and she pointed me in the direction of where I needed to go but they were also closed so I had to go the next day. Wasting more time I go back into the centre now, I see a massive queue outside this pizza bar. It was locals eating there, all over the street just sat down on the pavements. I joined in with them, queued up and got a folded pizza - a fritta of sorts. Fairly cheap and very nice. I still needed to waste time before my first meeting in the Navigli area. I get to the tram stop that would take me there. It is so close to the centre of Milan, so I go and just check it out. Walking around I see the lake that runs through it. I'm expecting bars everywhere but see nothing... Slightly disappointed with the area I find the house that I'm viewing and the lady is already at the door. It's worked out well. She leads me up and shows me around... It's a one bedroom flat. The advert said two people... Obviously forgot to mention you'd have to be sharing a bed. On top of all of that she also wanted 800€ a month and a two year contract. I told her that this was not what was advertised etc. She apologised for wasting my time and I was on my way. I had about 4 hours in between meetings so I went and sat at a bar. I ordered a beer, little did I know it cost me 5€! I was slowly falling out of love with this super cool hot spot that I'd read and heard so much about.

Hours passed, I got my mum to call me because I was sitting at a bar with time to kill. It turns out I was still running on English time, so I had to wait an hour less than expected - score! I expected I was because the lady was waiting at the front of the previous house and I thought I'd just walk past to see where it was thinking I was an hour early haha. Time passed, I liked the area this was in. Romolo was one train stop from Navilgli but a bit more residential so I was like this could work. I meet the girl who advertised this room. Again, thinking I'm going in for a house share she opens the door with a kid wrapped round her leg. He must have been no older than 3. I was a bit perlexed, her husband was also there! I thought, living with a family... this could be ok... Again, it was a house for myself. These guys said it would cost 900€ a month plus some bills... They were very nice people and seemed real interested but let's be honest, thinking I was going to pay them that money they would have cooked me a full on meal if I asked. They also wanted three months rent up front... I don't even have that in my account... Oh well. I head home a bit deflated. My feet felt destroyed, wearing no socks was also a terrible shout in hindsight. I was walking with a limp because of my knee and as a result of walking like a hardcore gangster my other leg began to hurt because I was putting all this added weight and strange movement on it for about 10 hours now. I get back to the hostel, and get on the internet and house hunt. Got loads of numbers and enquired about them today. All seemed good. It was late, thought I should get some dinner and went to a place literally 50m from where I'm staying called Da Willy. I laughed when I first saw it, for obvious reasons but they do real big and real good pizzas. I took it back to the hostel and sat down with my pizza and a beer watching the last of the Milan game over the shoulder of a man who was streaming it on his laptop. As I started eating a man and his terrible keybaord began to make noise. Such typical Italian nonsense, oldsongs and murmurs of english sounding things coming out his mouth. He was being watched very closely by a woman in her 30s clearly pissed off her face, he invited her to sing and she just sat at the seat all slumped and slurred noise came out of her mouth. The man was dancing around all happy but nobody cared for it. I thought, time for bed... This should be fun. I bought two small bottles of water (that's all they sold in the hostel) in anticipation of the heat that night. It was so hot.

Some people were already asleep when I went to the room, I thought ok... This can work. I made my bed and lay down. For the next few hours people were arriving etc. I was sweating madly despite being under a window and a fan on the ceiling... The person sleeping above me left right in the middle of the night and woke me up in the process. He obviously was trying to be quiet but at time of night, also next to my head it made his task very hard. Anyway, I woke up early... I don't know how early but people had already got up and gone. My 9am alarm hadn't even gone off. I stayed in bed till the alarm went and slowly made my way up etc. Breakfast was available downstairs and could be dealing with bad Italian toast so I got orange juice. Well, I thought it was orange juice... It was super sweet semi flat/sparkling orangeade. I went back upstairs, got my notepad and valuables from the locker thing I decided to use last night and planned my day.

I found a much quicker way to get into Milan and to University. It actually is a 15/20 minute walk in! I was on the hunt to register and enrol today. That was my priority. After going back and forward to places I found out that the university didn't even know I was coming... Typical UCL, god awful at everything. Erasmus people are fine, I went to their office and top of the pile was a class mate of mine, she just enrolled literally minutes before I got there. So, now I'm thinking... Can I just do the bare minimum and get away with it? I mean, it doesn't matter what I study here or what actual grade I get so I'm not too sure what the deal is. I have a form to fill out etc. That will be done soon. I've got more meetings tonight/this evening for houses. Happy days.

London - Milan

Due to my super smart idea of only bringing hand luggage and checking in online I did not have to wait in any real queue opon arrival to the airport. Mum and Dad dropped me off, we said our goodbyes and I was on my way. I went stright through to the xray place and not only did I get searched because I beeped but my bag also got put to one side for inspection - excellent start. It was because my liquids were not in a clear bag, I was like fine... what do I do then? The guy who told me this was like just ask over there and they should just give you a clear bag, so I went over but they just told me to change some money up and buy one. The change machine conviently was broken so I had to go to the beaureu de change and had to give them five euros in exchange for £2.30... I get my little plastic bag(s) and then the guy runs my bag through again... All clear, obviously. Then he had the cheek to say he would have given me a bag but he didn't want to get caught on camera... So I paid a fiver basically for a clear plastic bag! Anyway, onward I went with my journey, didn't have to wait long but once my boarding pass had been checked we still had to wait because the doors were not open... about 10 minutes passed and we were let on.

I sat down in toward the middle of the plane - calming classical music playing the background of the frenzy that  is a ryan air flight seating battle - and some old "free spirit" woman came sat next to me. She had the look down! Dreadlocks, tattoos, rings, boots and a lovely chesty smokers cough just to finish it off. I really thought she would be the worst of my journey. Everyone else were your standardly dressed Itailans, their cheap, poor fitting denim jeans along with the worst footwear invented. I also noted a few very well dressed people, not in suits but actually dressed generally with impeccable style. I knew NY fashion week was running so maybe it was in Milan, as well? Anyway, still just sitting down jotting notes down in my little book when I look up because I heard something I really didn't think I'd hear on flight to Milan at 6:30 in the morning. It was the sound of a man and woman, clearly from London/Essex asking the steward where everyone else was... I thought to myself, what do you mean? About five minutes passed when the rest of the calvary arrived... Screaming and shouting - it was a combination of men and women, half dressed ok, half like they literally just got thrown out of their campsite. From what a gathered, they were going to Milan for a wedding - the poor Italian family will be in a for shock, I thought. Anyway, we were waiting and so were this big group - it seemed they couldn't get someone or something on a plane. It turns out it was the wedding cake... Finally, everyone was on. We were ready to go, this group were scattered over the plane and were just shouting to each other. People around were clearly loving it but saying nothing. They done no favours for the stereotype of a brit abroad; ignorant, foul mouthed morons. I was trapped in a metal box for an hour and a half with these people, excellent. As the steward had to give his little safety instruction thing he had to ask some of the gypies to be quiet, he was camp and looked a little nervous but they shut up for literally about a minute and a half.

So, we're now in the air... Milano, sto arrivando

Monday, 12 September 2011

The day before

So, it's the evening before I leave... Surprisingly not nervous at all, considering I'm going to be living/studying in another country for the foreseeable future. I am yet to find anything permanent regarding housing, so for my first week in Milan I will be sharing a dorm room with 24 other (hopefully) delightful souls at the superbly named Zebra Hostel. It's close to the centre and has good links to the rest of the city, ideal for right now. Here is snap shot of the super-classy hostel I'm going to be staying in (yes, everything is zebra themed/patterned)

I'm lying down on my bed with my feet up on my half packed luggage. I'm only taking a holdall for now, containing the basics... I've got a lot of things to get my head around once I touch down; starting with moving traffic! As a Londoner I'm used to weaving in and out of moving traffic, abroad it's all backwards to me so I'll have to keep my wits about me even doing what comes second nature to me at home. I won't be bothering with seeing sights or what not once I'm there, partly because there are very few sights to be seen but mainly due to the fact that I really need to find me a house! I'm focussing on finding a place in the Navigli area, it's apparently the place to be - full of trendy bars along a gorgeous looking canal. It's a bit posher than what I'm used to here, either going out in dingy Soho night clubs trying to stick to the floors or hanging out car parks - either way it's a welcomed change from my normal surroundings.

I'm on an early flight, should be touching down in Milan at around 10am. I don't know when I'll be next on the internet/blogging but hopefully I will have more positive news ie. having a place to live etc.

So, this has been a post. My first entry. I'm ready to go!