Wednesday, 19 October 2011

My first day at work

It was quite a strange one... I got to work nice and early and as I went in my boss handed me my uniform which is a beer t-shirt and a little apron thing to put a pen and pad in, if needs be. So, in my new work clothes I stepped out to find me being introduced to a man by my boss and saying I was english... I said hello expecting this guy was a regular and just asked who the new guy was... It turns out this geezer wanted to rent the pub for one of the busiest nights and I was delegated the negotiation process. So, instead of actually doing my work I was trying to strike a deal with this guy throughout my shift. I'm emailing this guy tomorrow with the offer of 4,000euros for the pub for the night all in. Lets see what happens...
Instead of being a kitchen assistant I was doing anything but that... Sunday morning should be interesting, 9:30 start for the rugby world cup and there is a lot of football that day as well.

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